Astrology match - Partner Compatibility test - Horoscope Matching - Love Match

Astrology match – partner compatibility

Astrology compatibility and zodiac signs are widely used as an indicator of compatibility with family, friends, bosses, or lovers, whoever you’d like to know more about.

Individual natal horoscopes are compared to see how the two astrology charts interconnect to affect the relationship. How will these two get along? What parts of either personality will help or hinder a relationship? The insight gained in such a zodiac compatibility analysis can be used to our advantage in dealing with others on all levels.

Aries Compatibility

March 21 – April 21
Most Compatible With: Leo and Sagittarius
Somewhat Compatible With: Taurus, Gemini, Pisces, and Aquarius
Least Compatible With Cancer. Cancerians are too sensitive and too emotional for this warrior
Libra – The Libra Personality proves to be vacillating, lacks imagination, fun and daring
Capricorn. To Aries, this sign comes across as unimaginative and much too conservative
Neutral: Virgo and Scorpio

Taurus Compatibility

April 21 – May 21 
Most Compatible With Virgo and Capricorn
Somewhat Compatible With Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, and Aries
Least Compatible With: Aquarius who lacks the stability that Taurus needs
Leo, always self-absorbed, and very authoritative, traits which directly conflict with Taurus
Scorpio – manipulative, not open and certainly not direct
Neutral: Libra and Sagittarius

Gemini Compatibility

May 21 – June 21
Most Compatible With Libra and Aquarius
Somewhat Compatible With Cancer, Leo, Aries, and Taurus
Least Compatible With Virgo personality is seen as quite strict and hard to satisfy
Sagittarius – unable to relax, like yourself
Pisces – thought to have negative outlooks in addition to being self-absorbed
Neutral: Scorpio and Capricorn

Cancer Compatibility

June 21 – July 21
Most Compatible With: Scorpio and Pisces
Somewhat Compatible With Leo, Virgo, Taurus, and Gemini
Least Compatible With: Aries – too insensitive, aggressive and arrogant
Libra – does not take matters not seriously  enough
Capricorn – too simple, and very unrefined
Neutral: Sagittarius and Aquarius

Leo Compatibility

July 21 – August 21
Most Compatible With Sagittarius and Aries
Somewhat Compatible With Virgo, Libra, Gemini, and Cancer
Least Compatible With: Scorpio – seen as being too scheming
Aquarius – unsubstantial, unengaged and aloof
Taurus – either too stubborn or too placid
Neutral: Pisces and Capricorn

Virgo Compatibility

August 21 – September 21
Most Compatible With Capricorn and Taurus
Somewhat Compatible With Libra, Scorpio, Leo, and Cancer
Least Compatible With: Sagittarius – seen as unreliable and unresponsive
Pisces – gloomy, sullen, moody disposition
Gemini – impractical, inconsistent, too whimsical
Neutral: Aquarius and Aries

Libra Compatibility

September 21 – October 21
Most Compatible With Aquarius and Gemini
Somewhat Compatible With: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo, and Virgo
Least Compatible With: Aries – very domineering and too impatient
Capricorn – lacks any imagination, ordinary, dull personality
Cancer – has a tendency to become overly protective
Neutral: Pisces and Taurus

Scorpio Compatibility

October 21 – November 21
Most Compatible With Pisces and Cancer
Somewhat Compatible With Sagittarius, Capricorn, Virgo, and Libra
Least Compatible With: Aquarius  who is seen as detached and impersonal
Taurus – there is a clash of wills here
Leo – usually has the tendency to be overly dramatic and arrogant
Neutral: Aries and Gemini

Sagittarius Compatibility

November – December 21
Most Compatible With: Aries and Leo
Somewhat Compatible With Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra, and Scorpio
Least Compatible With: Pisces is seen as being too introverted
Gemini appears to be scattered and lacking in perceptible depth
Virgo is seen as narrow-minded and too fussy
Neutral: Taurus and Cancer

Capricorn Compatibility

December 21 – January 21
Most Compatible With: Taurus and Virgo
Somewhat Compatible With: Aquarius, Pisces, Scorpio and Sagittarius
Least Compatible With: Aries who is not admired for his impulsive, erratic nature
Cancer – finds this personality sad and depressing
Libra – seen as being not only dramatic but  lacks sincerity
Neutral: Gemini and Leo

Aquarius Compatibility

January 21 – February 21
Most Compatible With: Gemini and Libra
Somewhat Compatible With: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces and Aries
Least: Taurus is considered to be very habit oriented
Leo is seen as much  too demanding
Scorpio tendency to be too possessive not attractive
Neutral: Cancer and Virgo 

Pisces Compatibility 

February 21 – March 21
Most Compatible With: Cancer and Scorpio
Somewhat Compatible With: Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries and Taurus
Least Compatible With: Gemini who is too nervous and high strung
Virgo considered to be dull and uninteresting
Sagittarius is looked upon as being too impulsive
Neutral: Leo and Libra

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